Sleeping well benefits everyone

Help the Netherlands to sleep better

If you have had a bad night's sleep, the next day you will immediately notice the difference in how you feel, in your mood and how alert you are. Poor sleep affects health and as many as one in five Dutch people suffer from some form of sleep deprivation. That could be improved. Must be improved. We believe and promise that everyone can improve their sleep. We therefore call on everyone in the Netherlands to support us in our mission to put the importance of better sleep on the agenda. Together, we can turn a social problem into a social opportunity. Because sleeping better means living better.

Join the movement. Support us in our mission to put the importance of a better night's sleep on the agenda. We will provide you with all the latest information on sleeping, so that together we can tackle this social problem. You will receive: a 30-day sleep challenge, informative blogs, various sleep updates and all the latest ins and outs on the subject of sleep!

Help the entire Netherlands to sleep better

Why you should participate

The Dutch are increasingly concerned about their health. In recent years, for example, we have collectively taken more exercise and eaten more healthily.

Nevertheless, there is an area where public health can still make great strides. A daily activity that we often overlook, but which is at least as important for our health is sleep. We spend a third of our lives asleep.

If you have had a bad night's sleep, the next day you will immediately notice the difference in how you feel, in your mood and how alert you are. Let alone after a prolonged period of little or no sleep.

Sleeping badly has an impact on health. For example, in adults, too little or too much sleep can increase the risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression and strokes, and can impede daily functioning. This in turn can lead to economic and social costs, for example through absenteeism, reduced school performance and pressure on healthcare services*.

*Strategic foresight study 'Poor sleep: a problem for public health?' by the Trimbos Institute, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Brain Foundation [in Dutch].

As many as one in five Dutch people suffer from some form of sleep deprivation. And more than half are not satisfied with their sleep quality. You can safely say there’s a social problem.

Nevertheless, there is still relatively little focus on the prevention of sleep problems in the Netherlands.*

That could be improved. Must be improved. Beter Bed believes and promises that everyone can sleep better.

We are going to do everything we can to deliver on that promise. By working to raise awareness of the importance of sleep. And we go the extra mile when it comes to providing expert information and sleep advice.

We cannot do so alone of course. We are already cooperating, for instance, with doctors, specialists and health institutes. But that’s not the whole story.

We therefore call on everyone in the Netherlands to support us in our mission to put the importance of better sleep on the agenda. Together, we can turn a social problem into a social opportunity. Because sleeping better means living better.

If you want to sleep better, read the sleeping tips from our sleep consultants here.

If you want to sleep better, read the inspiration tips from our sleep consultants here.

These products will help you get a better night's sleep


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